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Wednesday, June 16th 2010

“Some people who are insecure find it hard to be nice to those who are confident. Insecure people shake your head and deal with your issues. Keep in mind that when you mistreat a confident person just because you envy them you will not get stronger; as a matter of fact you set yourself on display as somebody who lacks self-respect.” – Listen to Cerise live ON AIR on Flow 93.5 fm JUNE 17th 8am during the JJ and Melanie show.,

Tuesday, June 15th 2010

By: Coco

In the book “Wisdom from the Four Agreements,” author Don Miguel Ruiz  suggests four key tenets – based on ancient Toltec wisdom – that we as human beings should consider striving to abide by throughout the course of our lives. The agreements are as follows:

THE FIRST AGREEMENT: Be Impeccable with Your Word

SECOND AGREEMENT: Don’t Take Anything Personally

THIRD AGREEMENT: Don’t Make Assumptions


In the words of Don Miguel Ruiz: “You are never responsible for the actions of others; you are only responsible for you. When you truly understand this, and refuse to take things personally, you can hardly be hurt by the careless comments or actions of others. You can travel around the world with your heart completely open. You can say, “I love you,” without fear of being rejected. You can ask for what you need without guilt or self-judgment. You can choose to follow your heart always, and live with inner peace and happiness (49).”

Doubtlessly, following the advice of Ruiz is a daily challenge for anybody and much easier said than done – but, nonetheless, it’s still a good idea to gain insight on how to respond to certain situations, especially in instances where one may feel a sense of hopelessness. I don’t think sticking to the agreements is something that happens overnight. Rather, I think following the agreements as a natural habit is something that happens with personal growth, as well as commitment to changing for the better.

I highly recommend this book. For more information on the author go to:

Tuesday, June 15th 2010

“When you make time for someone and they still complain that you are not paying enough attention to them, do not take it personal. The fact is they really need to find an interest to distract themselves, or they will have to learn to appreciate the time you can offer share. Do not feel bad for what you are unable to offer.” – listen to Cerise live ON AIR on Flow 93.5 fm JUNE 17th 8am during the JJ and Melanie show.

Monday, June 14th 2010


Aries (March 21-April 19) 
It is check-up time Aries. Get your health in order, start paying attention to what you are eating and remember what you eat is what you are. Some people think you have to eat three square meals a day in order to maintain a proper lifestyle, however, it is also just as important to fast every now and again so you can give your body a rest from digesting meat. Snack on veggies and fruits throughout the day when you are fasting.


Taurus (April 20- May 20) 
Construct your thoughts carefully and create a way in which you can develop a new way of living. Keep in mind it does not have to be a dramatic transformation, however, a slight little change will make a huge difference. .  
Gemini (May 21- June 20) 
The sun shines on the negative and positive every day. The good and bad open their eyes and live life according to their choices. Gemini, choose to be good and do you. Do not allow inconsiderate people to steal away your confidence. Go out and show what your talents are and never be bashful, otherwise it will take away your ultimate opportunity to be the best you can be.  

Cancer (June 21- July 22) 
If you are a driver then keep your eyes on the road, and especially during long road trips. Do not be afraid to ask somebody to take over the wheel if you find yourself growing tired. On the other hand if you are not a driver and you are in a car with somebody who is driving long distance, be sure to suggest they rest every now and again to restore their energy.

Leo (July 23- August 22) 
Music, love and laughter should be your focus this week. Allowing stress to override your emotions will cause logic to land second place and that is not a good thing. Keep your emotions in check and remain balanced, it is really the only way to maintain a complete state of fulfillment. .  

Virgo (August 23 – September 22) 
Get out and breathe in the air. Try to get away from your daily hustle, even if it is just for a day or a couple of hours. Rest and relaxation is the key that will open the doors to peace of mind.  

Libra (September 23- October 22) 
Forgiveness is something that some find hard to offer, but when it is offered it is something that is much appreciated. Forgive those who have hurt you and forget the pain you endured, because the negative is pain, but the positive is that it made you stronger.  

Scorpio (October 23- November 21) 
Fly like a bird and soar like a kite, you are a star so go shine this week darling. You are beautiful.

Sagittarius (November 22- December 21) 
Travel will be on your agenda soon. Start planning a trip that will be worthy of your time and money. Do not over spend, it is not cash that will pay for a good time, it is the company you will be with that will make the difference between fun and misery.  

Capricorn (December 22- January 19) 

Happy moments will come to when you least expect it. Be open to invites, even to events you would rather not attend, because synchronistic timing will surprise you. 

Aquarius (January 20- February 18) 
Love, Love, Love, it is everything and it will bring everything. As long as you keep love in mind even when you would rather blast somebody then love will take care of any situation.

Pisces (Feb 19- March 20) 
Hold your tongue and anger will not impinge upon your ultimate happiness. Moreover Pisces, exercising patience when dealing with selfish or self-absorbed individuals is the only true way to resolve tough circumstances.

Listen to Cerise live on radio JUNE 17th, 2010 8am during the JJ and Melanie show on FLOW 93.5fm: visit Cerise at


Monday, June 14th 2010

“To live exceptionally you have to work at life and enjoy it so you can really understand it, appreciate it and cherish it.” – Listen to Cerise live ON AIR on Flow 93.5 fm JUNE 17th 8am during the JJ and Melanie show.

Monday, June 14th 2010

By: Coco

Over the years I’ve seen a rise in popularity of  Adinkra symbols that originated from the Akan speaking peoples of Ghana, West Africa. The symbols can be found in many forms/ places – from wood-carved ornaments, to gold pendants or even embroidered on cloth. A few of my friends have had tattoos done of some of the symbols. The meanings behind the symbols are usually very powerful. These are some of the most popular Adinkra symbols:

GYE NYAME: A deeply religious symbol that supports the idea of the supremacy of God. This is likely the most popular of all the Adinkra symbols.










OSRAM NE NSOROMMA: “The moon and the stars,” which symbolizes true love, harmony and fidelity in a rapport.







SESA WO SUBAN: This symbol signifies the evolution of one’s character throughout the journey of life.








DWENNIMMEN: This symbol represents humility and strength.









SANKOFA: Another popular symbol, which means the significance of reflecting on and learning from the past in order to move forward in life. There are two symbols for Sankofa:


Sunday, June 13th 2010

Posted By: Odette Montelibano


Summer marks the start of BBQ season. A nice evening would mean grilling the perfect steak alongside some potatoes, a nice tangy appetizer on the side, cold beer for the gentlemen and refreshing margarita drinks for the ladies.

Here’s a nice appetizer recipe that I have tried and enjoyed with the family. The piquant factor is not really child-friendly. However, this recipe will certainly spice up any meal. Best served outdoors on the picnic table with family and friends. 




12- 18 jalapeno peppers 
250 g cream cheese 
2 T green onions 
2 T sun dried tomatoes 
bacon slices (chicken or turkey bacon could be used as substitutes), cut in half 

Prep time: 20 minutes

1. Slice off the tip of the jalapenos and use a corer to take out all the seeds. 
2. Rinse jalapenos in cold water, and make sure that all the seeds have been washed away. 
3. In a small bowl, mix the cream cheese, green onions and sun dried tomatoes 
4. Stuff the peppers with the cream cheese mixture. 
5. Wrap the bacon around the stuffed pepper, hold in place with toothpicks. 
6. Set up your BBQ to 350, and cook for 30 minutes in indirect heat. Only the first and 3rd burners should be on, and the middle burner should be left off. Place the Jalapeno rack in the middle burner so as not to burn the peppers. 
7. Enjoy!


Here’s what the finished product should look like:

To check out more recipes by Odette Montelibano go to:

Sunday, June 13th 2010

“Aspire to be a Jack of all trades with the power to master many.” Listen to Cerise live ON AIR on Flow 93.5 fm June 17th at 8am during the JJ and Melanie show.

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Saturday, June 12th 2010

“While you sleep your spirits’ wisdom builds an empire for your destiny as you are resting your human force.”


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